Saturday, January 23, 2010

What is in nail polish remover that makes it so smelly and strong enough to remove polish?

Like what kind of chemical or ingredient is it?What is in nail polish remover that makes it so smelly and strong enough to remove polish?
It's the solvents used in polish remover that causes the smell. With nail polish remover that contains acetone, that is what causes the smell - the acetone in it. In the case of non-acetone polish remover, it is usually either ethyl acetate, methyl acetate, butyl acetate, or a combination of them. Sometimes methyl ethyl ketone is used as well. That is also a solvent.What is in nail polish remover that makes it so smelly and strong enough to remove polish?
It's called Acetone, it is a very strong chemical. [We learned this in chemistry]

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