Thursday, January 21, 2010

There is a like fossilized micro crack on my index and every time my nail grows out it splits what can I use?

the hair-thin crack hits the halfway point between nail and cubicle. This thing is like preserved in my nail and it won't go away no matter how careful I am and I need it for guitar. Can someone help me out?There is a like fossilized micro crack on my index and every time my nail grows out it splits what can I use?
Start taking vitamin E for nails and use nail hardener. Take a multipurpose vitamin -your body is lacking or deficient in something-so go see a doctor. You could use a finger bandage but you run the danger of getting bacteria in the crack. Use moisturizing lotion. This is a symptom of prolonged contact with water. You are not using fingernail polish remover more than 2X per month, are you? The fingers can diagnose illness. Make sure you've been tested for diabetes.

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