Saturday, January 23, 2010

I stepped on a nail and it get swelled?

Ok i stepped on a nail like 3 days ago i don't have a wound but it got swelled and hurts so bad, i can barely walk i found out that i need to get tetanus shot and it cost a lot i don't have any insurance right now, is there any other way to get rid of swelling at home?I stepped on a nail and it get swelled?
You need to go and get a tetanus shot ASAP. The incubation period is on average 7 or 8 days but can range from 1 day to 2 months. Shorter the incubation period the worse the severity. The sooner you get the shot, the less at risk you are. This is quite serious, you could die if you have tetanus and don't have the vaccine. Go see a Doctor today please.I stepped on a nail and it get swelled?

It sounds like it is definitely infected. You NEED to get a tetanus shot, if is extremely dangerous if yu don't because if you do get tetanus it is likely that you would not survive without the shot, I know its expensive but it's worth it considering your health is in danger.

Sorry I sound so dramatic but I want you to understand how important it is. get is ASAP

Meanwhile, at home make sure you keep very clean, and don't let any dirt near that spot, change your socks regularly (fresh clean ones!) and don't walk on it if it gets too painful.

Hope you get better
Get tetanus toxoid.

Many people believe injuries caused by rusty nails are the most dangerous. This is true only if the nail is dirty as well as rusty, as is usually the case. It is the dirt, not the rust, that carries the risk for tetanus.
my suggesting would be getting as much information as you can before taking any action,here

is a good place for that purpose.
No you need that tetanus shot. Is there anyone who can help you out with money? You can put ice on it for now but you really need medical treatment.

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