Thursday, January 21, 2010

I have a long haired chihuahua.He seems to have caught his nail, it is falling off now, what should I do?

Unless it seems to be infected or he is in pain, just clean it with peroxide and put Neosporin on it for several days. My dog had this happen twice and both times it healed up on it's own without seeing the vet.I have a long haired chihuahua.He seems to have caught his nail, it is falling off now, what should I do?
I would take it to the vet for trimming. If you cut it wrong or the dog jumps while you are cutting you could cause a bleeder and/or cut it too short...both of which are painful. If you keep your dogs nails trimmed regularly snags can mostly be avoided.I have a long haired chihuahua.He seems to have caught his nail, it is falling off now, what should I do?
get quick stop from a pet store before trying anything yourself if it starts to bleed it is very hard to stop
trim it carefully
Clip it all the way off so it doesn't catch and rip any more. Can use a regular nail clipper or dog clipper if you have it. If it bleeds can use flour or powdered sugar on a Qtip. Press it firmly onto the end of the nail bed. Then can leave alone for a while so it doesn't start to bleed again. Just like the other answer says clean with peroxide and use antibiotic ointment on it. Should heal fine. Maybe clip all the nails so this can't happen again.
Take him to the vet to have it clipped off. Immediately. Don't dink around on the computer waiting for a second opinion.
cut it if its hanging and treat it like you would your own. do you go to the Doctor for a hangnail? just put some neosborne on any exposed quick. It will be tender as the nail grows back, so try to keep the pup out of the grass for a while.

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