Thursday, January 21, 2010

My 9 year old daughter stepped on a nail yesterday and now it is red and swollen around the sight?

Is this normal? It was a new nail, and she is up to date on her tetnus. It went in almost all the way on the side of her foot.My 9 year old daughter stepped on a nail yesterday and now it is red and swollen around the sight?
you need to watch for infection and also soak it in warm salt water a few times a day.See your MD if you see streaks or signs of infection.My 9 year old daughter stepped on a nail yesterday and now it is red and swollen around the sight?
Please take the child to the hospital now. She has an infection and could get blood poisoning.
You need to take her to see the doctor -- sounds like it is infected. He'll be able to tell once he sees her and then will properly treat it.
Yes it's normal, she put a nail through her foot. I feel so bad for her.

Soak it in warm water with epsom salt and put some drawing salve on it over night. If it still looks bad in the AM, off to the doctor with her.
Seriously? You've been a parent for 9 years and don't know when to take your child to a doctor? Sounds infected, but I'm not a doc-- get her to the doctor. If you are concerned enough to go online, you might want to take that as a cue to head to the local hospital instead.
I would get her to the Doc asap.

I stepped on a needle when I was 15 and with in 2 days I had an infection, and i was up to date also.

It could be just irritated, or infected. The best way to see if its infected is to look around the site and see if there is red line running from it.
It's likely infected. I recommend you have a doctor look at it, ASAP.

Like, now.
  • bad makeup
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