Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is it ok to wear nail vanish on short finger nails and really, really short toe nails?

Also do finger and toe nail colours need to match?

What sort of patterns would look good on short nails.Is it ok to wear nail vanish on short finger nails and really, really short toe nails?
I actually usually prefer the look of shorter polished fingernails - I think you can wear any color on them without it looking over-the-top. I don't think they need to match toes, but I usually try to keep the two different colors either in the same family (i.e. pink and rose) or two very different colors that work together (i.e. pink and blue).

I'm not sure what you mean by really really short toe nails, except that I don't care for the trend towards longish ones. I just trim and file mine to a comfortable length, close to or at the end of my toe.Is it ok to wear nail vanish on short finger nails and really, really short toe nails?
1] yes, as long as they are neat

2] no,but probably shouldn't clash - I usually wear a bright [ orange, raspberry ] on my toes, with a lighter shade of same [ peach, pink ] on fingernails.

3] how about stripes - lengthwise or diagonal, straight or wavy - to make nails look longer?
Sure, why not!?

Matching is really up to you. For me, it has to coordinate but some people don't care about that.

Personally, I wouldn't do art or patterns on short nails. I don't think it looks good.
Yup it's okay ..

No they dont really need to match ..

idn about patterns .. but dark nail polish ..

black .. dark blue ect.

looks really good on short nails .

goodluck :)

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