Friday, May 14, 2010

Is the nourishing nail balm good for anything? How does it help your nails?

Anything that you can put on your nails helps nourish them. This is because it helps keep the cuticle loose and soft and keeps the nail plate soft and plyable. Nourishment actually comes from within, vitamins, food, etc. Your nails grows from just beyound your cuticle and grows out from there. SO keeping your cuticles pushed back and soft gives a healthy and happy nail. I agree with Anna, Olive Oil is perfect for that and cheap too :) Break open a vitamin E tablet, or work in some cream. Anything is better than nothing. Even vasoline is great!!Is the nourishing nail balm good for anything? How does it help your nails?
What is that? I'm not sure what it is but it probably moisturizes the nails or something.Is the nourishing nail balm good for anything? How does it help your nails?
im not sure but olive oil does the trick

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