Friday, May 14, 2010

Is it an Ingrown nail if I can lift up the top 1/2 CM of the nail?

I can lift it out 1/2 cm on each 4 sides of both my big toes, could all 4 sides still be ingrown because they still hurt when pressure is put on certain areas of the toes. Theyre not red or anything.Is it an Ingrown nail if I can lift up the top 1/2 CM of the nail?
im not sure if the measurements of your sides have anything to do with it. but if it hurts and is red around where it hurts, it is most likely an ingrown. i wouldnt advise you to take it out yourself though, the big toe is thehardest one to take out by yourself.

if you like pedicures, usually the pedicurist can take it out, if not you can go to the podiatrist and they will remove it for like $60 depending on where you live.Is it an Ingrown nail if I can lift up the top 1/2 CM of the nail?
I think so. Try cleaning it with vinegar twice a day. Then, put a cloth bandaid on the sides where the skin curls on the nail sides, but pull the skin away with the bandaid to take some of the pressure off of the skin and see if it helps.

Also, sometimes, to relieve the pressure, cut a V shape at the middle of the white part of the nail in the middle and this can also help relieve some of the pressure that the nail is putting on the skin surrounding the nail. Salt water warm soaks for about 10 minutes in very warm water will also help relieve some of the pain.
probably not but if you are worried about it you should cut a V in the middle of the top of the nail so that it will grow inward and also make sure that when you trim your nails you cut them straight across to avoid ingrown toenails in the future.
your going to loose the nail no matter what you should se a Dr. right away ITs hurting cause the presure from the nail touching the sensitve part of the toe that should normaly not be touched its not ingrown
don't hurt anybody with your nails but some girls use fake nail so your real nail in case you broke it so it will have unpleasant pain so use fake nail like girls do

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