Friday, May 14, 2010

I pulled off one of my fake nails bc it was hurting me, now my real nail is falling off?

What do I do? Will it re-attatch itself?I pulled off one of my fake nails bc it was hurting me, now my real nail is falling off?
I would put neosporin on it and a band aid and let your real nail grow a bit and it will heal in time.Don't pull your real nail off.I have fake nails,I get mine done from a salon,It sounds like you got a fungus maybe under your fake nail that's why it was hurting.I pulled off one of my fake nails bc it was hurting me, now my real nail is falling off?
Oh I am sorry. I lost one of my toenails and it took FOREVER to grow back. Like 4 months. But Toenails grow slower than finger nails. I hate fake nails. 90% of the time they look so trashy, but they ruin your real nails. I prefer manicures that buff your real nails. That looks amazing.
no it will fall out. i think anyways. i hav done that b4 and it fell out. it hurts for a while but then u don't really notice it. hope u feel better

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